Tripartite Discussions between Baudouin Moteurs , Alamarin-Jet Oy and SLM

A high level team from Baudouin Moteurs, France & Alamarin Jet, Finland visited Sea Limousine Maldives on 10th April. Discussions were held on propulsion options for the MMT vessels to be operated by SLM.


Following the findings and evaluation of the fact-finding trip to the northern atolls in December 2020 and the government’s post COVID-19 program, SLM has revised the investment and operational plan.

Although our commencement has been delayed due to travel restrictions and COVID-19 induced sensitive financial market. We are confident to announce that work will commence in early Q2/2021.

With the atolls and islands outside of the 100 Km radius feeling the impact of COVID-19 trade and tourism depression more than the Male’ area. It is our aim to provide a mechanism to boost the economies of those areas most affected.

To this end, we have revised the SLM operations to facilitate and provide an economic engine in providing a transport service that is commensurate with market economies and the present market volume. This will allow for the opportunity to increase goods and services to the target zones over the next 2 years with a supply cost advantage. The added advantage and estimated cost benefit feasibility will revitalize the economy and provide increased business opportunity.

We are confident that by Q3/2022 the northern atolls will have a growth of 25-30 percent over the same period of 2019 and 2020 with our revised Mass Transport System and the multi-sectoral drive. We remain optimistic and committed to pursue our ambitions to facilitate the growth of the atoll communities.

Operational Preparedness Survey

Members of the senior management team of Sea Limousine Maldives visited Baa, Raa, Noonu, Shaviyani and Haa Dhaalu atolls this month to survey potential Hub locations for the proposed Mass Marine Transit (MMT) and Light Marine Transit (LMT) operations. The first phase of operations will cater to the Northern atolls of Maldives.

Discussions were held with local councils and prominent leaders and businessmen of islands ear-marked for development. The proposed affordable and convenient package was received with enthusiasm, providing Sea-Limo with encouraging impetus to take us forward.

Sea-Limo envisions mobilisation in February 2021 with commencement of operations planned for year end 2021.

Following the outcome of the meetings, we look forward to working with the atolls and island councils and more importantly with the people and communities of the outlying atolls. We are encouraged by the comforting response of these communities during our visit and we hope to deliver our promises to provide a vessel to support their aspirations of economic freedom.

Visit to HIPG

SLM executives visited Hambantota, Sri Lanka and met with management of Hambantota International Port Group (HIPG) on 14th January 2020.

Discussions were held to secure a yacht building site within the Hambantota port area to develop and build high-speed luxury yachts for Maldives and beyond.

Hambantota, Sri Lanka
Left to Right: SD Prematilaka, Ali Hussain Didi, Maj. Lalith Ekanayake (Retd)

Meeting with the Minister of Transport & Civil Aviation

SLM presented its plans for a maritime public transport network to the Minister of Transport Hon. Aishath Nahula and senior officials of the Ministry on 9th October 2019.

Presentation of SLM initiatives to Hon Minister of Transport

SLM is encouraged by the Minister’s enthusiasm in pursuing a viable and workable Public Transport Network that would spearhead the National Development Plan objectives.

EU Business Forum

SLM Executives participated in the EU Business forum organised by EU Delegation and the Ministry of Economic Development 7th October 2019.

The inherent need for a comprehensive public transport network was emphasised and inclusive in all aspects of the National Development Plan, the Spatial Plan and the Strategic Action Plan presented by the government.

ALAMARIN APAC Conference, Bangkok

SLM engineering executives participated in the APAC Conference, Bangkok 2019 hosted by Alamarin of Finland. The team met with several Engine and Gearbox manufacturers and were presented with new innovations by Alamarin Water jets.

Dinner hosted by H.E Satu Suikkari-Kleven , Ambassador of Finland to the Kingdom of Thailand

Meeting with H.E Mahinda Rajapakse

SLM Executives called on H.E. President Mahinda Rajapakse, of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on 31st July 2019.

Call on H.E. President Mahinda Rajapakse

Discussions were held on possible investment on boat assembly yard facilities at Hambantota Industrial Zone.


SLM executives visited Sri Lanka to explore potential Boat Build facilities and met the Chairman of the Board of Investments, Mr Mangala Yapa. Preliminary discussions were highly encouraging as SLM looks for effective and efficient options for assembly of its vessels.